St. Lawrence County Recorders of Deeds collect records of a jurisdiction's deeds and make them available to the public in NY. These documents are primarily related to St. Lawrence County property deeds. The Office of the Deeds Registrar maintains records on land and property transactions within its jurisdiction, including deeds, mortgages, easements, and tax liens. The office also has land registry information, including titles, property and parcel surveys, and maps of property lines and unregistered properties. The St. Lawrence County Registrar of Deeds maintains online databases for the public to access land and property deed registry records.
St Lawrence County Recorder of Deeds Canton NY 48 Court Street 13617 315-379-2237 Suggest Edit
St. Lawrence County Assessors evaluate the value of properties and parcels in order to determine property taxes in NY. The Assessor's Office maintains current data on every parcel in the district, including ownership information, inventories of parcels and structures, and the value of all the property in St. Lawrence County. They also have land, property and deed registry records such as value assessments on registered properties, maps of property lines, and lists of unregistered land. Tax Assessors make their St. Lawrence County deed records available to the public online.
Brasher Town Assessor Brasher Falls NY 11 Factory Street 13613 315-389-5188 Suggest Edit
Canton Assessor Canton NY 60 Main Street, Stop 1 13617 315-386-2595 Suggest Edit
Edwards Assessor Edwards NY 161 Main Street 13635 315-562-1224 Suggest Edit
Fine Assessor Star Lake NY 4078 New York 3 13690 315-848-3304 Suggest Edit
Lisbon Town Assessor Lisbon NY 6963 County Road 10 13658 315-393-7593 Suggest Edit
Massena Village Assessor Massena NY 60 Main Street, Rm 2 13662 315-769-6924 Suggest Edit
Norfolk Town Assessor Norfolk NY 5 West Main Street 13667 315-384-4701 Suggest Edit
Parishville Assessor Potsdam NY 1772 New York 72 13676 315-268-1722 Suggest Edit
Potsdam Assessor Potsdam NY 35 Market Street 13676 315-265-2810 Suggest Edit
Russell Town Assessor Russell NY 4 Pestle Street Road 13684 315-347-2358 Suggest Edit
St. Lawrence County Clerks file documents and preserve property records in order to maintain an archive for their municipality in New York. These records are open to the public. The Clerk's Office contains a number of St. Lawrence County deed registry records, including documents on registered and unregistered lands, titles, and property transactions. They also keep St. Lawrence County registries of deeds, mortgages, liens, and real estate excise taxes. Clerk's Offices provide online access to their St. Lawrence County deed and title records.
Brasher Town Clerk Brasher Falls NY 11 Factory Street 13613 315-389-4223 Suggest Edit
Colton Town Clerk Colton NY 94 Main Street 13625 315-262-2810 Suggest Edit
De Kalb Junction Town Clerk De Kalb Junction NY 2907 County Road 17 13630 315-347-3331 Suggest Edit
Edwards Village Clerk Edwards NY 161 Main Street 13635 315-562-3704 Suggest Edit
Fine Town Clerk Star Lake NY 4078 New York 3 13690 315-848-3121 Suggest Edit
Hammond Village Clerk Hammond NY 24 South Main Street 13646 315-324-6171 Suggest Edit
Lawrence Town Clerk North Lawrence NY 11403 U.s. 11 12967 315-740-0105 Suggest Edit
Lisbon Town Clerk Lisbon NY 6963 County Road 10 13658 315-393-5988 Suggest Edit
Madrid Town Clerk Madrid NY 3529 County Road 14 13660 315-322-5760 Suggest Edit
Morristown Town Clerk Ogdensburg NY 604 Main Street 13669 315-375-6510 Suggest Edit
Norfolk Town Clerk Norfolk NY 5 West Main Street 13667 315-384-4821 Suggest Edit
Norwood Village Clerk Norwood NY 11 South Main Street 13668 315-353-2372 Suggest Edit
Potsdam Town Clerk Potsdam NY 18 Elm Street 13676 315-265-4270 Suggest Edit
Richville Village Clerk Richville NY 87 Main Street 13681 315-287-0956 Suggest Edit
Russell Clerk Russell NY 4 Pestle St 13684 315-347-2358 Suggest Edit
St Lawrence County Clerk Canton NY 48 Court Street 13617 315-539-1700 Suggest Edit
St. Lawrence County Town Halls and City Halls are the chief administrative office that runs a town or city in New York. The Town or City Hall maintains property records related to St. Lawrence County, including property and land deed records. These records include titles, land transactions, and property sales and transfers. Town and City Halls also maintain records on municipal and zoning boundaries, including any unregistered lands within the municipality. St. Lawrence County Town and City Halls provide online databases to access deed registry records.
Edwards Town Hall Edwards NY 161 Main Street 13635 315-562-1224 Suggest Edit
Hammond Town Hall Hammond NY 17 N Main St 13646 315-324-5321 Suggest Edit
Hopkinton Town Hall Nicholville NY 7 Church Street 12965 315-328-9905 Suggest Edit
Lisbon Town Hall Lisbon NY 6963 County Road 10 13658 315-393-0489 Suggest Edit
Macomb Town Hall Gouverneur NY 6663 New York 58 13642 315-578-2212 Suggest Edit
Massena Town Hall Massena NY 50 Main Street, Ste F 13662 315-769-3525 Suggest Edit
Ogdensburg City Hall Ogdensburg NY 330 Ford Street, Ste 1 13669 315-393-6100 Suggest Edit
Piercefield Town Hall Piercefield NY 48 Waller Street 12973 518-359-7544 Suggest Edit