Lancaster County Recorders of Deeds collect records of a jurisdiction's deeds and make them available to the public in PA. These documents are primarily related to Lancaster County property deeds. The Office of the Deeds Registrar maintains records on land and property transactions within its jurisdiction, including deeds, mortgages, easements, and tax liens. The office also has land registry information, including titles, property and parcel surveys, and maps of property lines and unregistered properties. The Lancaster County Registrar of Deeds maintains online databases for the public to access land and property deed registry records.
Lancaster Recorder of Deeds Lancaster PA 150 North Queen Street 17603 717-299-8238 Suggest Edit
Lancaster County Assessors evaluate the value of properties and parcels in order to determine property taxes in PA. The Assessor's Office maintains current data on every parcel in the district, including ownership information, inventories of parcels and structures, and the value of all the property in Lancaster County. They also have land, property and deed registry records such as value assessments on registered properties, maps of property lines, and lists of unregistered land. Tax Assessors make their Lancaster County deed records available to the public online.
Lancaster County Assessment Lancaster PA 150 North Queen Street 17603 717-299-8381 Suggest Edit
Lancaster County Clerks file documents and preserve property records in order to maintain an archive for their municipality in Pennsylvania. These records are open to the public. The Clerk's Office contains a number of Lancaster County deed registry records, including documents on registered and unregistered lands, titles, and property transactions. They also keep Lancaster County registries of deeds, mortgages, liens, and real estate excise taxes. Clerk's Offices provide online access to their Lancaster County deed and title records.
Lancaster County Clerk Lancaster PA 50 North Duke Street 17602 717-299-8275 Suggest Edit